about me

my name is carolyn. i grew up outside dc, and i'm currently a sophomore studying english and economics at boston college.

bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney is a great book. my kitchen at home is both bright and big, so it makes sense. i like alliteration, cooking and books about new york in the eighties - the title combines all of those things.

during the summer, i live at home in maryland, where the kitchen is big and all supplies are readily available. during the school year, i live in a dorm, where my kitchenette will have a blender and maybe a hot plate.

i've considered both veganism and the paleo diet, but have since realized that i never want to limit the number of delicious foods in the world that i can eat. i like whole foods: both the store and the idea. like michael pollan once said, and every food blogger ever has repeated, "eat food. not too much. mostly plants." so, this blog will have a little of everything - raw vegan desserts and the chronicle of my family's pig roast.

you can read my 140-character thoughts here and see my pictures here.


"wow, carolyn, these cookies are great. make more." -a brother, c. 2002

"why is your food blog not titled 'breakfast, lunch, and dinner for beginners, you don't even know?'" -lindsay, a brilliant genius

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